Ráðstefna um framkvæmd formennskuáætlunar Íslands í samstarfi Norðurlandanna.
Iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðuneyti
Nr. 13/2004
Hvernig getur samhæfð stefnumótun Norðurlandanna á vettvangi rannsókna og nýsköpunar skilað löndunum forystuhlutverki á þessu mikilvæga sviði? Um það verður fjallað á ráðstefnu sem Norræna nýsköpunarmiðstöðin (Nordic Innovation Centre) stendur að ásamt iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðuneyti. Ráðstefnan er liður í framkvæmd formennskuáætlunar Íslands í samstarfi Norðurlandanna.
Ráðstefnan, sem ber yfirskriftina The Nordic Region as a frontrunner in Research and Innovation, fer fram á Grand Hótel fimmtudaginn 10. júní kl. 9:00 – 16:30 og er fjölmiðlum hér með boðið að sitja ráðstefnuna.
Dagskrá ráðstefnunnar er meðfylgjandi, en hún hefst með ávarpi Valgerðar Sverrisdóttur iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðherra. Margir áhugaverðir fyrirlesarar taka þátt í þessari ráðstefnu og er fjölmiðlum m.a. bent á Kjetil Storvik, framkvæmdastjóra Norrænu nýsköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar, og Bjarne Lindström, ritstjóra tillögu að samstarfsáætlun Norðurlandanna um stefnumótun í nýsköpun fyrir árin 2005-2010.
Reykjavík 9. júní 2004
Conference program
The Nordic Region as a frontrunner in
Research and Innovation
How to implement Horizontal Innovation Policies in the Nordic Countries
- Challenges and Experiences
Conference leader: Ulf Wickbom, Sweden
08.00 - 09.00 Registration
09.00 - 09.20 Opening
Valgerdur Sverrisdottir, Minister of Industry, Iceland
09.20 - 09.30 Introductions
The scope of the conference. How we shall work and what should be the results?
Ulf Wickbom, Sweden
09.30 - 10.15 Challenges for integrated Innovation Policymaking - international experiences.
Erik Arnold, Managing Director, Technopolis Ltd, UK
Replaces the key note address on the US National Innovation Initiatives
10.15 - 10.45 The Nordic countries as a frontrunner in rese-arch and innovation
Presentation of the conclusions of the "Nordic Cooperation Program on Innovation Policies 2005 - 2010" Synergies to the White Paper "NORIA - Nordic research and innovation - Global Leadership through Closer Partnership"
Consequences and opportunities in a European perspective - European Research and Innovation Area (ERA/ERIA) and the Nordic Research and Innovation Area (NORIA)
Bjarne Lindström, Director, Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB) and editor of the "Nordic Cooperation Program on Innovation Policies 2005 - 2010"
10.45 - 11.15 Coffee
11.15 - 12.00 Roundtable
The key determinants for realising the perspecti-ves of the Nordic Region as a frontrunner?
Thomas Alslev Christensen, Head of Department, Nordic Council of Ministers
Ole Frijs-Madsen, Director, Baltic Development Forum, Denmark
Bjarne Lindström, Director, Statistics and Research Åland
Sveinn Thorgrimsson, Head of Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Iceland
Kari Kveseth, Director, Research Council of Norway
12.00 - 12.45 The Norwegian Case: The Governmental Plan for a Horizontal Innovation Policy
a) Main initiatives and how to implement them
b) Internal processes and how to achieve common strategies among ministries and politicians
Helle Hammer, State Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Norway
Bjørn Haugstad, State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Research, Norway
12.45 - 13.45 Lunch
13.45 - 14.10 Monitoring and Implementing Horizontal Innova-tion Policies in OECD countries (The MONIT project)
What conclusions can be drawn so far?
Svend Otto Remøe, Project leader MONIT, OECD
14.10 - 14.30 Structural adjustment and social innovations: The new challenge for innovation policies. Developing new technologies is not enough anymore, societies and established institutions need to be renewed.
Timo Hämäläinen, Director, Innovation and Busi-ness Development, SITRA, Finland
14.30 - 15.00 How to best utilise Nordic resources to promote the Nordic region as a powerful single market for innovation, development and growth – an industrialist’s perspective
Jørgen Dirach, Director, Novo Nordisk AS, Denmark
15.00 - 15.15 Coffee
15.15 - 16.15 Roundtable
Key findings and conclusions of conference input. What can/should be done in the short, medium and long term on a Nordic respectively a national level?
Jørgen Dirach, Director, Novo Nordisk AS, Denmark
Timo Hämäläinen, Director, Innovation and Business Development, SITRA, Finland
Hans Kristjan Gudmundsson, Director, Icelandic Research Centre, Iceland
Per Eriksson, General Director, VINNOVA, Sweden
Stina Margareta Gestrelius, Director, Medicon Valley Academy, Sweden
16.15 - 16.30 Concluding remarks
Kjetil Storvik, Managing Director, Nordic Innovation Centre
Ulf Wickbom, Conference leader
16.30 - 17.30 Reception at Grand Hotel
19.30 Dinner at Kaffi Reykjavík, Vesturgata 2, 101 Reykjavík (see map).
Buss leaves from Grand Hotel app. at 19.15 and the surrounding hotels right after.
No transportation back to the hotels.