Kynning á Skýrslu um mannlíf og lífsgæði á norðurslóðum / Arctic Human Development Report
Sunnudaginn, 21. nóvember nk., kl. 13:00 til 17:30, verður haldin málstofa á Hótel Nordica í Reykjavík, þar sem kynntar verða megin niðurstöður skýrslunnar og hafin umræða um næstu skref. Kynningin fer fram á ensku og dagskráin verður sem hér segir:
Launch of the Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR)
Nordica Hotel, Reykjavik, Iceland
November 21st 2004, 13.00-17.30
Chairman: Níels Einarsson, Stefansson Arctic Institute, AHDR Report Steering Committee Co-Chair
13.00-13.10 Opening address, Hugi Ólafsson, Icelandic Ministry for the Environment, Chair, Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group
13.10-13.45 Human Development in the Arctic: What have we learned and what comes next? - Oran Young, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Co-chair AHDR Report Steering Committee
13.45-14.15 Arctic Economic Systems: Gérard Duhaime, Université Laval, Québec City
14.15-14.45 Arctic Societies and Cultures - Change and Persistence: Peter Schweitzer, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
14.45-15.15 Health break
15.15-15.45 Gender issues in the Arctic: Gunhild Hoogensen, University of Tromso
15.45-17.30 Roundtable discussion