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2. desember 2014 Félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytið, Heilbrigðisráðuneytið

Conference on Equal Pay and Gender Equality in the Labour Market

Merki viðburðanna: Saman um jafnrétti í 40 ár
Merki viðburðanna: Saman um jafnrétti í 40 ár

The Conference on Equal Pay and Gender Equality in the Labour Market was held on the 13th of November. It was a part of the program of events for the Icelandic Presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2014 and was arranged in co-operation with the Nordic Network on Equal Pay and Gender Equality in the Labour Market and the Action Group on Equal Pay in Iceland.

The Conference focused on the persistence of the gender pay gap in the Nordic Countries and tried to answer the following questions: How to work for equal pay within the Nordic Model? What are the roles and responsibilities of the social partners in the process of collective bargaining? Furthermore, the conference aimed to present new research results and best practices from the Nordic region as concerns gender equality in the labour market.

By clicking the names of the speakers you will be able to look at the slides presented at the conference in a PDF version. 


Conference on Equal pay and Gender Equality in the Labour Market in Reykjavik, Iceland Reykjavík Hilton Nordica Hotel 13 November 2014

Chair of the Conference:  Dr. Annadís Gréta Rúdólfsdóttir, Studies Director, United Nations Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (UNU-GEST) at the University of Iceland.

08.30 – 09.00  Registration and Coffee 
09.00 –10.15   Welcome Address and Key Notes 
09.00 – 09.15   Eygló Harðardóttir, Minister of Social Affairs and Housing and Minister for Nordic Cooperation. 
  • Welcome Address.
09.15 – 09.45   Dr. Daniela Bankier, Head of Unit for Gender Equality in the Directorate-General Justice of the European Commission.
  • The gender pay gap and equal pay from a European point of view. 
09.45 – 10.15 

Dr. Helga Aune, Director Pricewaterhouse Coopers AS, former Post.doc. Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

10.15 – 10.30  Coffee and refreshments 
10.30 – 11.40 

Plenary 1

Working for Equal Pay within the Nordic Countries. 
10.30 – 10.40  Dr. Malin Wreder, Director.  
10.40 – 11.00  Maríanna Traustadóttir, Specialist for Equality and Family Policy. The Icelandic Confederation of Labour. 
11.00 – 11.20  Mari-Elina McAteer, Coordination Officer. Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. 
11.20 – 11.40  Dr. Kenn Warming, Special Advisor, Danish Institute for Human Rights. 
11.40 – 13.00  Lunch at Vox Restaurant, Hilton Nordica Hotel. 
13.00 – 14.00 

Plenary 2

The Gender Segregated Labour Market – Influences on Wages and Equal Pay.
13.00 – 13.20 

Dr. Astrid Kunze, Associate Professor, Department of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway.

13.20 – 13.40  Dr. Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir, Director of Social Science Research Institute. University of Iceland. 
13.40 – 14.00  Dr. Audrias Bitinas, Law Faculty, Vilnius University. 
14.00 – 14.15  Coffee and refreshments 
14.15 – 15.45 

Panel Discussion on Equal Pay and Collective Bargaining – Roles and Responsibilities of the Social Partners and the Main Challenges Ahead Regarding Equal Pay and Equality in the Labour Market.

  • Guðlaug Kristjánsdóttir, President of the Association of Academics in Iceland.
  • Halldor Grönvold, Deputy General Secretary of Icelandic Confederation of Labour
  • Þorsteinn Víglundsson, Director of Business Iceland
  • Dr. Tapio Bergholm, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions.
  • Dr. Lisbeth Pedersen, The Danish National Centre for Social Research.
  • Dr. Katrín Ólafsdóttir, Associate professor, University of Reykjavík.
  • Dr. Marre Karu, Analyst at Praxis Center for Policy Studies, Estonia.
  • Discussants: Dr. Fredrik Bondestam, PhD Sociology, Research Coordinator at NIKK. and Dr. Helga Aune, Director Pricewaterhouse Coopers AS. 
15.45 –16.00  Conclusion, Halldóra Friðjónsdóttir, Iceland. 
16.00  Reception 


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