Hoppa yfir valmynd
18. júní 2020

Ávarp í umræðum um mannréttindaástandið í Mið-Afríkulýðveldinu


Madame President,

I am honored to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and my own country Iceland.

We continue to follow with concern the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic and its impact on the region. Reports of violence and instability risk jeopardizing the gains of recent years. We call on all stakeholders to take all necessary measures to implement effectively the peace agreement signed in Bangui in 2019.

All parties to the peace agreement have an obligation to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and ensure meaningful and active involvement of women and youth in the reconciliation dialogues.

We thank the Independent Expert for his continued efforts to highlight human rights concerns in CAR. We remain thankful for OHCHR´s continued support of the human rights mandate of MINUSCA and we welcome the Governments cooperation with these mandates. We also appreciate its support in arresting and bringing ICC indicted Ali Kushayb to the Court in the Hague last week.

We also appreciate the measures the Government has taken in the fight against COVID-19. In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, however, we would like to ask the panel about the potential impact on the scheduled presidential elections?

I thank you.


Hafa samband

Ábending / fyrirspurn
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