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23. september 2020

The Ambassador of Iceland presents the Letter of Credentials to the President of Estonia

The Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia - mynd

H.E. Auðunn Atlason presented his letter of credentials to Ms Kersti Kaljulaid, President of Estonia, on 22 of September. The ceremony took place outdoors in the town of Pärnu, followed by a conversation with the President about the past and future relations between Iceland and Estonia.

Many things have taken place since Iceland was the first country to recognize the independence of Estonia and other Baltic states, next year will mark 30 years anniversary of our diplomatic relations, since August 1991. Iceland and Estonia are close allies in the field of NATO and NB8 co-operation, as well as in European co-operation and at the United Nations, where Estonia now has a seat on the UN Security Council. The bilateral relations between the countries has been growing in the field of digital technology and Iceland is participant in the X-roads project through Straumur. Cultural relations are flourishing and friendships and respect remains between residents of our countries. It was discussed that when the COVID epidemic is over, that regional cooperation may increase as people and companies choose to cooperate closer to home. It creates many opportunities for co-operation between the Nordics and Baltic countries, including Icelandic-Estonian relations, for example in tourism.

During Ambassador´s Atlason visit to to Estonia, he used the opportunity to meet with colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with experts on EEA grants in Tallinn, with Nordic and Baltic Ambassadors and Icelanders living in the city.


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