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26. febrúar 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ræða Íslands í umræðum um munnlega yfirlitsskýrslu mannréttindafulltrúa Sameinuðu þjóðanna-HRC46

Thank you Madame President,

Iceland thanks the High Commissioner for her Oral Update.

We remain concerned over reports from Ethiopia of human rights violations and abuses, with the humanitarian crisis in Tigray of particular concern. We call for the full and unhindered access to the region, so relief can be brought to those in need and reports of violations and abuses investigated.

Madame President,

We would like to raise concerning reports of rise in religiously motivated violence and discrimination. In Sri Lanka we have seen an intensification of discrimination against ethno- religious minorities, with increased surveillance and monitoring of Christian places of worship and government mandated cremation. In Algeria we have reports of forced closures of Protestant churches and other places of worship, as well as arbitrary application of COVID-19 restrictions. In India reports of Christians and other ethno- religious minorities being targeted for their beliefs seem to support this worrying trend.

Finally, Madame President,

Let me reiterate that international humanitarian law must be respected when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh and the provisions of the November cease-fire agreement on the exchange of prisoners of war and the repatriation of human remains should be fully implemented. We join calls for the negotiation of a comprehensive settlement of the conflict resulting in lasting peace in the region.

I thank you.



Hafa samband

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