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16. apríl 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp á fundi norrænna og afrískra ráðherra um græna atvinnuuppbyggingu



I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to my colleagues from Denmark and Sweden and the World Resources Institute for organizing this interesting event. It is important that we continue to engage with our African partners, the Multilateral Development Banks, and UN Institutions regarding how we ensure sustainable and inclusive growth, post-Covid.

We have an opportunity to focus on creating green jobs when rebuilding our economies and thereby support green and blue growth and address climate change. Green, resilient, and inclusive recovery will not be successful without a strong private sector, the protection and creation of jobs and by increasing innovative efforts to mobilize private capital. Focus on small and medium sized enterprises is of key importance, as these are often the largest source of employment in low-income countries.

We appreciate the swift response of international organizations and would like to underline the key role of the MBDs in response and recovery efforts. On that note we welcome the WBG paper on GRID and its emphasis on job creation and private sector solutions. In line with the joint Nordic approach to Building Back better and Greener we recently took on a role as a Global Champion for the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy to be held in September.

We will champion the theme of Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, Just Energy Transition, which is key to achieving the objectives of many, if not most of the SDGs. This theme will focus on maximizing the positive impacts of an inclusive and just energy transitions on the achievement of the SDGs, including on gender equality, job creation, youth empowerment, agriculture, and food systems.

Investing in sustainable energy provides an opportunity to create green jobs for and to empower women and youth, the groups that are in many aspects most impacted by the pandemic. We have long championed gender equality in the transition to sustainable energy production and energy use. This is particularly important in the context of the pandemic where economic fallout has had a negative effect on gender equality, which must be addressed.

Let me also mention the role of sustainable energy in sustainable food systems, both “green” and “blue”. We have a long history of utilizing sustainable energy in food production, processing, and value addition in fisheries and agriculture which has greatly increased GDP and created more valuable jobs. Job creation in the sustainable blue economy is of particular importance for small island developing states and coastal low-income countries. The MDBs will have a crucial role in realizing this agenda and ensuring its success.

I am optimistic that by being innovative in our approach and engaging with the private sector we can succeed in Building Back Better and greener.

Thank you for your attention.

Ávarpið var flutt á fjarfundi norrænna og afrískra ráðherra 16. apríl 2021



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