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13. september 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp á áheitaráðstefnu Sameinuðu þjóðanna vegna Afganistans

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The alarming humanitarian situation in Afghanistan deserves the full attention of the international community.   

While Afghanistan has for long faced multiple and complex challenges – the events of past weeks have turned these challenges into a full-blown crisis.

Iceland is committed to support humanitarian partners on their critical mission in Afghanistan and today I am announcing a new contribution of twenty-five million Icelandic krona to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund in support of the Flash Appeal and the Humanitarian Response Plan.

This is in addition to our August contribution of sixty million Icelandic krona divided equally between UNHCR and the ICRC. 

Hence in under a month, Iceland has committed eighty-five million Icelandic krona of flexible humanitarian assistance to key operational partners, all of which play a critical role in Afghanistan.

As a devoted human rights advocate, allow me to stress the importance of respect for international human rights and humanitarian law, unhindered humanitarian access and the protection of Afghan civilians. We must work together to preserve hard-won gains and safeguard the rights of women and girls. 

The Afghan people need sustained support from the international community. Turning a blind eye is not an option.

Ávarpið var flutt á áheitaráðstefnu Sameinuðu þjóðanna vegna Afganistans sem fram fór í Genf 13. september 2021.


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