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23. september 2024

HRC57 - NB8 statement - Syrian Arab Republic

Human Rights Council ‒ 57th session
Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Statement by Iceland on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states
23 September 2024

Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states.

We strongly support the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry and its work, including its latest report.

Humanitarian needs in the Syrian Arab Republic are at its highest since the start of the conflict in 2011 with a record number of persons in need of whom thirteen million face severe food insecurity. Safe, full, unhindered and sustained humanitarian access is imperative.

Despite the ICJ order of 16 November, we are alarmed by reports of deaths, torture and ill-treatment of detainees, including sexual and gender-based violence. We demand an end to violations and abuses of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by all parties.

The critical situation in Syria is exacerbated by indiscriminate and direct attacks by the Syrian Government, and its allies, against civilians and civilian objects and densely populated urban areas.

We urge all relevant actors to cease indiscriminate and direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and to take all precautions to curtail harm to civilians. Heightened regional tensions resulting from the conflict in Gaza has led to intensified military operations.

We reiterate our full support for international accountability mechanisms, including the IIIM. Those responsible for crimes committed against the people of Syria must be held accountable.

I thank you.





Hafa samband

Ábending / fyrirspurn
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