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24. september 2024

HRC57 - NB8 statement - Ukraine - Commission of Inquiry

Human Rights Council – 57th session
Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
Statement by Lithuania on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states
24 September 2024

Mr. President,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states.

For almost three years Russia – a Permanent member of the Security Council – has been waging its brutal full-scale war of aggression against sovereign Ukraine, causing immense human suffering and widespread destruction. We firmly support the work of the Commission of Inquiry documenting Russia’s outrageous violations of international law, including international human rights law.

Full accountability must and will be ensured for atrocity crimes, including indiscriminate and targeted attacks on civilian infrastructure and deliberate killings of Ukrainian civilians, widespread and systematic torture of civilians and prisoners of war, extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention and sexual violence. Unlawful forcible transfer, deportation and illegal adoption of thousands of Ukrainian children, aimed at erasing their national identity, indoctrination and militarization, cannot go unpunished.

There will be no just, lasting and sustainable peace without holding Russia’s highest political and military leadership accountable for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. We urge all States to step up efforts to establish as soon as possible a Special Tribunal that would respect international law and enjoy broad cross-regional support.

As I conclude, we would appreciate your insights on how the evidence you have gathered could contribute to the work of the ICC and of the future Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine?

I thank you.


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