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24. september 2024

HRC57 - National statement - Item 4

Human Rights Council – 57th session
Item 4 General Debate: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
Statement by Iceland
24 September 2024

Mr. President,

Iceland recognizes the importance of addressing severe and escalating human rights situations that require the urgent attention of this Council.

We are witnessing a deterioration of human rights around the world with too many states trying to justify discrimination and violence against their own citizens.

Some of the most severe human rights violations and abuses take place during wars and armed conflicts, but as the High Commissioner has pointed out: even wars have rules and international human rights and humanitarian law have been designed precisely for moments like these - when life, dignity and our very humanity are at risk.

In Ukraine, we witness relentless Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. The horrific terrorist attack by Hamas a year ago and the subsequent war in Gaza is another case in point, where civilians, not least women and children, are subject to unacceptable indiscriminate attacks, forced displacement, and deprivation of necessities on a scale not seen in the last two decades. We can name Sudan, Myanmar, and the continued rise of violent extremism in the Sahel – everywhere, civilians bear the brunt of the horrors of war.

This Council needs to be steadfast in its response and commitment to contribute to alleviating the suffering of civilians. Peace, security and human rights go hand in hand. 

I thank you.


Hafa samband

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