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27. september 2024

HRC57 - National statement - Reprisals

Human Rights Council – 57th session
Item 5: Interactive Dialogue on the Secretary General’s report on Cooperation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights
Statement by Iceland
27 September 2024

Mr. President,

Iceland thanks the Office of the Secretary General for this critical and potentially life-saving report.

Everyone has the right to access and cooperate with the United Nations and its representatives and mechanisms.

Civil society organisations and human rights defenders are invaluable to the promotion and protection of human rights. Their work is crucial to prevent, document and address human rights violations and abuses globally.

Continued monitoring, intimidation, and other forms of coercion and retaliation against CSOs and human rights defenders, both online and offline, by state and non-state actors, are deplorable.

Iceland is deeply alarmed by the severe protection concerns expressed by victims of reprisals as outlined in the Secretary General’s report. The decrease in reporting, combined with victims’ increased requests for anonymity due to fear of further reprisals, shows the gravity of the situation.

Stronger protections mechanisms are needed. If this dangerous trajectory is continued, it both undermines collective commitments and values as well as posing a significant threat to the advancement of human rights globally.

Iceland strongly condemns all acts of intimidation and reprisals across the UN system identified in the report.

Assistant Secretary General,

What concrete steps can States take to better protect those who engage with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms?

I thank you.


Hafa samband

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