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8. október 2024

HRC57 - NB8 statement - Democratic Republic of Congo

Human Rights Council ‒ 57th Session
Item 10: Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the Democratic Republic of Congo
Statement by Sweden on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states
8 October 2024

Mr. President,

Thank you, High Commissioner, and the Team of International Experts for your report.

I make this statement on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states.

The situation in the DRC is of serious concern. The escalation of the conflict related to the M23 offensive, has led to serious human rights violations, notably sexual and gender-based violence, and risks a wider regional conflict. We reiterate our call on all armed groups to cease their activities and disarm. The presence of Rwandan troops in DRC and the support provided to the M23 by Rwanda, must end immediately, as well as all support from state actors to armed groups in the DRC, not least the FDLR.

The fight against impunity is crucial. We closely follow the appeal trial of the murders of UN experts Zaida Catalán and Michael Sharp and the investigation into the disappearance of their four Congolese companions. The Congolese legal process is vital to hold all those responsible to account.

Lastly, we call on the Government to reverse its decision to lift the moratorium on the death penalty. We oppose the use of the death penalty under all circumstances.

High Commissioner,

How can we make sure that human rights are at the forefront of our joint efforts after the withdrawal of MONUSCO?

I thank you.


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