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21. október 2024

How to vote from Canada in upcoming Althingi elections

Icelandic citizens in Canada seeking to cast a ballot as part of the upcoming parliamentary election scheduled for November 30, 2024 can do so via Iceland's embassy in Ottawa, our consulate general in Winnipeg, or through the offices of Iceland's honorary consuls across the country.

Individuals seeking to cast a ballot via the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa are advised to  book appointments in advance. This can be done by calling 1-613-482-1944 or by emailing [email protected]. The embassy is open between 09:00 - 16:00 Monday to Friday and is typically closed for Canadian and Icelandic statutory holidays.

Citizens seeking to cast ballots from outside the National Capital Region should also make appointments in advance directly with our Consulate General in Winnipeg or honorary consul closest to their place of residence. Click here for a list of locations across Canada.

Ballots must arrive in the Icelandic municipality at which the voter is registered before polls close on November 30th, 2024.

For more details on the upcoming parliamentary elections, see here

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