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10. október 2007

Measures to eliminate international terrorism

Measures to eliminate international terrorism

Since this is the first time I take the floor in this committee I would like to congratulate you on your election as Chairman of the Sixth Committee. Congratulations also go to other members of the Bureau on their election. I would like to reassure you of my delegation?s full cooperation and support.

We also wish to thank the Secretary General for his report contained in document A/62/160.

Mr. Chairman.

Terrorism is a serious threat to peace and security as well as to development and human rights. Recent examples have reminded us that terrorism has a global reach. All states, small or large, are susceptible to terrorist attack. Anyone can fall victim to terrorism, as terrorist targets are most often innocent civilians. Terrorism is a crime against the human values that the UN upholds. It can never be justified under any circumstances, no matter what the motives, no matter what the objectives. Iceland unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Global problems call for global responses. The United Nations play a crucial role in achieving our common objective in combating terrorism. This is why Iceland welcomed the adoption of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy last year. The Strategy is an important step towards coordinating our efforts in this area. Implementation of the Global Strategy must remain a priority for all States.

Coordination and information sharing are fundamental to the effective functioning of the Global Strategy. The Counter-Terrorism Online Handbook, launched last January, is a helpful tool to that end. I would also like to commend the work of the UN Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force, including its support to Member States.

The 16 international conventions and protocols relating to measures against terrorism that have been elaborated within the framework of the United Nations, as well as the 14 regional conventions, are important tools in fighting different aspects of the scourge of terrorism. In order for these initiatives and framework for co-operation to be effective, all nations must become parties to them. Iceland is a party to all the 13 universal legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts as well as the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. We welcome in this regard the entry into force this July of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism from 2005.

As to ongoing work, the Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51/210 met in February. Even though consensus has yet to be reached on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and the convening of a high-level conference to formulate a joint organized response by Member States to international terrorism, we remain confident that progress will be made in the near future.

I would like to recall the important and far-reaching work by the Security Council in combating terrorism. A number of resolutions have been passed and several subsidiary bodies are assisting in their work, including the Counter-Terrorism Committee. We look forward to closer cooperation in the future in harmonizing effective implementation of these obligations.

Mr. Chairman.

Our counter-terrorism efforts are crucial for the protection of peace and security in our world. But it is no less important that these efforts be based on rule of law and respect for human rights. The only acceptable measures to eliminate international terrorism are those that respect these fundamental principles of the United Nations, including humanitarian law and refugee law. To this end, Iceland remains dedicated to the work of the United Nations, aimed at creating a more secure world without the threat of terrorism.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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