Ísland fordæmir árásir á Sameinuðu þjóðirnar og starfslið þeirra
Mannréttindaráð Sameinuðu þjóðanna kom saman í Genf í dag vegna ástandsins á Gaza. Ragnar G. Kristjánsson, varafastafulltrúi Íslands hjá SÞ í Genf, flutti ræðu fyrir Íslands hönd. Í ræðunni kom fram að ástandið á Gaza sé ótækt. Mannfall í röðum óbreyttra borgara, skerðing mannréttinda og einangrun svæðisins síðustu 18 mánuði sé ólíðandi.
Þróunin undanfarna sólarhringa sé ógnvænleg. Sameinuðu þjóðirnar og starfslið þeirra hafi orðið fyrir beinum árásum, sem hafi neytt UNRWA, stofnun Sameinuðu þjóðanna fyrir palestínska flóttamenn, til að hætta aðgerðum á svæðinu þangað til öryggi starfsliðs þeirra verði tryggt. Ísland taki undir yfirlýsingar aðalframkvæmdastjóra Sameinuðu þjóðanna og fordæmi árásir á stofnunina og starfslið hennar.
Ályktun öryggisráðsins sem samþykkt var í gær var fagnað. Þess var krafist að alþjóðasamfélagið með öryggisráðið í fararbroddi bindi enda á blóðbaðið í Gaza og leggi fram áætlun um að hefja sem fyrst friðarviðræður að nýju.
Þetta er önnur ræðan sem Ísland flytur hjá SÞ á þremur dögum. Mannréttindaráð SÞ var stofnað 2006 og heyrir undir allsherjarþingið. Því er ætlað að fjalla um og leggja fram tillögur til allsherjarþingsins vegna stöðu mannréttinda í heiminum. Það er helsti varanlegi umræðuvettvangurinn innan SÞ um mannréttindamál og starfar mannréttindafulltrúi SÞ (UNHCHR) náið með ráðinu.
Statement by Mr. Ragnar G. Kristjánsson
Deputy Permanent Representative
Human Rights Council
The situation in the Middle East
9 January 2009
Mr. President,
The situation in Gaza is unacceptable. It is unacceptable because innocent civilians are dying. It is unacceptable because their right to life is under threat from heavy handed military actions. It is unacceptable due to the non-existent freedom of movement and because their right to food, health, education and work are all severely restricted. They are people who have been living under occupation for more than 40 years. They are people who have been living under blockade, not only for the past couple of weeks but for more than 18 months. Now they are the victims of yet another violent conflict.
Mr. President,
While terrorism has emerged as one element of the ongoing conflict, the conflict itself is not about terrorism. The central issue is the self-determination of the Palestinian people resulting in the establishment of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state, living side by side with Israel in peace and security. The realization of the two states solution is a prerequisite for durable peace. Therefore addressing the issue in Gaza, as well as the rest of the oPt, solely in the context of the War on Terror can never produce a just and sustainable peace.
Mr. President,
Iceland has condemned the Israeli military operations in Gaza and its densely populated areas, which are clearly contrary to international humanitarian and human rights law. It has also condemned the firing of rockets from Gaza against Israeli civilians. Hamas bears a heavy responsibility for drawing civilians into the conflict zone.
Now we have witnessed yet another dangerous development, with the UN and its staff taking direct hits despite the international obligation to protect them. This has lead UNRWA, the dominant aid agency in Gaza, to suspend its operations until they get real security guarantees. UNRWA has been a crucial lifeline for the population whose vast majority is dependent on food assistance. This suspension will lead to the further deterioration of the humanitarian situation for the already vulnerable and traumatized population. Iceland aligns itself with the UN Secretary-General and condemns these attacks on the UN and its staff.
Mr. President,
The immediate imperative is the suspension of all violence from all parties. The situation demands a concerted effort by the international community, with the Security Council taking the lead, to bring about an immediate end to the bloodshed and put forward a plan to urgently restart the Peace Process. We welcome that the Security Council passed Resolution 1860 yesterday. In parallel, an intra-Palestinian reconciliation must take place.
Thank you