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12. febrúar 2009

Icelandic Foreign Minister interviewed by David Frost

Össur Skarphéðinsson, the Icelandic Foreign Minister, talked about the Icelandic economy, European issues and fisheries with David Frost on the television station Al Jazeera last week.

The Foreign Minister emphasized that in his view the economic crisis in Iceland had been less severe if Iceland had been a member of the European Union. The minister said that EU membership was a solution for Iceland on the road towards economic recovery. Furthermore, that it could not be ruled out that the EEA- agreement had provided Iceland with false security in regards to the banking system.

Asked if Iceland was still the best country in the world to live in, the minister answered that it would be in a few years. He emphasized that the economic foundations of Iceland are strong with fisheries and renewable energy playing a key role.

See the interview here:


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