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25. maí 2009

Foreign Minister strongly condemns North Korea's nuclear test

Ossur Skarphedinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs strongly condemns North Korea’s nuclear test last night. He says the Icelandic Government's clear position is against any use of nuclear weapons or actions likely to promote proliferation.

"This nuclear test will without any doubt increase tension in Northeast Asia and endangers peace in the region. It is disheartening that at the same time as other countries are reducing stockpiles of nuclear arms, a poor country is spending enormous amounts to develop them," the Minister said.

Minister Skarphedinsson says that the nations of the world must unite against nuclear proliferation and work towards the eradication of all nuclear weapons. The Minister therefore welcomes the pledge by US President Barack Obama at the NATO Strasbourg/Kehl Summit in April that he would promote a world free of nuclear arms.


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