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29. júlí 2009

French Minister for European Affairs visits Iceland

Össur Skarphéðinsson og Pierre Lellouche

Iceland’s application for accession to the European Union was the main topic of discussion at a meeting between French Minister for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche, and Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ossur Skarphedinsson, in Reykjavik today. Lellouche, who participated in last week’s General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting in Brussels, welcomed Iceland’s application. He said that Iceland's application had received broad support, and was unaware of any EU member state opposing it. Lellouche stressed the need to ratifiy the Lisbon treaty, which is necessary to lay the groundwork for new member states, and on strengthening of the financial regulatory framework to avoid a repitition of the economic crisis.

Minister Lellouche also met with Arni Thor Sigurdsson, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament, with members of parliament and Icelandic scholars.


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