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9. janúar 2010

Skarphedinsson and Moratinos: Icesave has no impact on EU's treatment of application

The Foreign Minister of Iceland, Ossur Skarphedinsson, spoke today with Miguel Ángel Moratinos, the Foreign Minister of Spain, which holds the Presidency of the European Union.

In their conversation, Mr. Morations stated that the Spanish EU Presidency viewed the Icesave issue and Iceland´s EU application as seperate issues, and that the new situtation that has arisen in Iceland would not have any impact on EU´s treatment of the application.

This is line with the conversation between the Icelandic Foreign Minister and UK Foreign Minister David Miliband on 7 January, in which Miliband declared that the UK would continue to suppport Iceland´s EU application. The same view was stated in a conversation between the Icelandic Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir and the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown on 6 January 2010. This position is also in line with the former Swedish EU Presidency and statements made by representatives of the EU commission.

In the conversation with Moratinos, the Mr. Skarphedinsson explained the situation in Iceland following the President´s decision not to sign the Icesave bill, reiterated Iceland´s vital interests and its determination to honor its international obligations.


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