Hoppa yfir valmynd
3. maí 2010

10.000 visit the Icelandic Pavilion at EXPO 2010 each day


The Icelandic Pavilion at the EXPO 2010 exhibition in Shanghai officially opened on Saturday, 1st of May. Iceland's Ambassador to China, Mrs. Kristín A. Árnadóttir, the Chairman of the IcelaEXPO skáli inni opnun maí 2010ndic EXPO organizing committee, Mr. Pétur Ásgeirsson, the commissioner general of the Icelandic participation, Mr. Hreinn Pálsson and the pavilion's architect, Mr. Páll Hjaltason, welcomed the first guests.

Iceland took part in the EXPO soft opening period end of April and proved to be very popular. Around 22.000 guests visited the pavilion in four short days and around 10.000 have visited it each of the first three opening days.

The concept for the Icelandic Pavilion is to create the image of an ice cube. Inside the Pavilion a short movie is projected on to white screens along the walls and ceiling that make up an all encompassing sound and image capsule. Due to popular demand, spectacular volcano shots showing the most recent volcano eruption in Iceland have been added to the Icelandic Pavilion movie exhibition.

The Icelandic participation focuses on energy, tourism and design & innovation under the theme "Pure Energy – Healthy Living". During the EXPO, staff will provide assistance to Icelandic companies that want to gather information about the Chinese market and build their business network in China. Furthermore, the participation will work with artists and promoters of Icelandic charities and culture to introduce their work in China. The Iceland Pavilion is 500 sqm in size including the main exhibition hall, a foyer and a business centre. It is situated along the same street as other Nordic countries in the Expo Park.

For further information on Iceland's participation in EXPO 2010 to it's website.


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