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20. september 2010

Visit of Slovak President and Foreign Minister to Iceland

Slovakia's experience of accession negotiations and membership of the European Union, as well as the effect of financial crisis on Europe's economy, were the main topics of a working lunch, hosted by Icelandic Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson, for Slovak President Ivan Gašparovic and Slovak Foreign Minister, Mikuláš Dzurinda.

Minister Dzurinda said Slovakia has aspired to take up the euro as soon as possible in order to increase economic stability. The euro was no magic solution but an important factor in creating stability. The minister offered advice and assistance to Iceland in the upcoming accession negotiations.

Minister Skarphéðinsson brought up the Roma-issue, in particular education of Roma-children. President Gašparovic said that it was of importance to find a common European solution to the issue.

During their visit, the Slovak President and Foreign Minister met the President of Iceland, Mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, Speaker of the Parliament, Ásta Ragnheiður Jóhannesdóttir and Jón Gnarr, the Mayor of Reykjavík.


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