Hoppa yfir valmynd
27. maí 2011

Screening on enterprise and industrial policy concluded

Screening meeting with European Union on Chapter 20 – Enterprise and industrial policy – was concluded in Brussels on Wednesday, 25 May 2011. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the EU compared the legislation falling under the chapter, which is part of the EEA-Agreement. The Icelandic team was headed by Ms. Bryndís Kjartansdóttir, chairperson of EEA I negotiation team.

This Chapter covers EU enterprise and industrial policy that seeks to promote industrial strategies enhancing competitiveness of european industries. The aim is also to create environment favourable to innovation and economic growth. Special attention is brought to improving the business environment for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Iceland does not enjoy any exemptions, adjustments or special solutions in the acquis under Chapter twenty and does not consider them necessary in the negotiations with the EU.


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