Hoppa yfir valmynd
10. júní 2011

Minister meets with a representative of the National Transitional Council in Libya

ÖS-Guma El-Gamaty
ÖS-Guma El-Gamaty

Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson, met with Mr. Guma El-Gamaty, the UK Co-ordinator for the National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya on 3 June 2011 to discuss the situation and measures taken by the International Community in Libya.

At the meeting Mr. El-Gamaty explained the National Transitional Council's position, its priorities and future vision. He also informed that the  Libyan rebels are gaining strength, amongst other things due to international support for the NTC and effective measures taken by NATO to implement the United Nations Security Council's Resolutions No 1970 and 1973. Measures taken by NATO, and prior measures taken by some NATO Member States, had been crucial in preventing loss of human lives on account of Libyan armed forces' attacks on Libyan citizens. The NTC considers that the future of Libya can only be secured if Colonel Gaddafi steps down.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs gave an account of the Government's position and reiterated Iceland's support to the aforementioned UN Security Council Resolutions. Iceland had supported the resolutions and the measures taken by NATO, the purpose of which were to protect the lives of innocent civilians. The main condition for Iceland's support were that the measures should be within the scope of the powers delegated by the Security Council. The Minister also emphasized that Colonel Gaddafi should be brought before The International Criminal Court.

“We fully support the values and emphases, which the representative of the National Transitional Council in Libya  has presented at our meeting today, namely embracing change towards democracy, respect for human rights, equality, freedom of speech and good governance. The People of Libya should have the right to choose their leaders in democratic elections and to build a society where freedom and human dignity prevail. We stand by the National Transitional Council of Libya in its campaign for these goals” the Minister concluded.


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