Hoppa yfir valmynd
19. ágúst 2011

Foreign Ministers of Iceland and Estonia meet in Tallinn


Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, met today with Urmas Paet, Foreign Minister of Estonia in Tallinn. Minister Skarphéðinsson is currently visiting Estonia to participate in Iceland Day, a festival remembering that Iceland was the first country to recognize the independence of Estonia, twenty years ago.

In their meeting the ministers discussed Iceland‘s accession negotiations with the European Union. The ministers also discussed the current situation within the economic and monitary union of the EU; the eurozone. Paet said that Estonia‘s experience since taking up the euro, eight months ago, was positive; with increased export and investment and lower unemployment, as investors did not have to worry about the volatility of a small currency.

Ministers Paet and Skarphedinsson also discussed security issues, including possible cooperation in fighting cybercrime, in which Estonia has considerable expertise.

Foreign minister Skarphéðinsson thanked his Estonian counterpart for the honour shown to Icelanders by holding a culture festival dedicated to Iceland. Skarphéðinsson will participate in Iceland Day on Sunday, and tomorrow, Saturday, he will take part in a conference entitled “20.08.1991 – Twenty Years On”, focusing on the experiences of 20 years of independence. This conference will see the participation of current and former foreign ministers of neighboring countries.


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