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24. nóvember 2011

Meeting with Ireland's European Minister


Today, Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson met with Ms. Lucinda Creighton, Minister of State With Special Responsibility for European Affairs in Ireland. The Ministers discussed measures the European Union has taken to deal with the debt crisis and the current situation and prospects ahead in the eurozone.

Ms. Creighton stated Ireland´s full support for Iceland's application for membership of the European Union. She also said that Ireland and Iceland shared common interests within the European co-operation and pledged Ireland's support in the accession process. Ireland will take over the EU presidency in the beginning of 2013.

The Ministers also discussed the economic situation in their respective countries, but both Iceland and Ireland faced severe economic difficulties in the aftermath of the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008.

Ms. Creighton furthermore stated that the economic recovery in Ireland was on track, that economic growth was now picking up and direct investment and exports were increasing.


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