Opnun alþjóðaheimskautssársins
Launching of the International Polar Year, March 1, 2007
Valgerður Sverrisdóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
The fourth International Polar Year, which was launched on the first of March 2007, has particular significance for Iceland.
Iceland’s location in the Arctic region has shaped the Icelandic nation since its settlement, more than eleven centuries ago. Living conditions were often difficult and food was scarce. Gradually, the Icelandic people learnt the necessity of using the natural resources of their country in sustainable manner in order to survive.
Later, the advent of modern technology, new production methods and international trade opened up new possibilities. The Icelandic people made use of science and new technology, and learnt how to make better use of the resources of the land - the ocean, the rivers and the geothermal fields.
Centuries of isolation taught us the importance of good communication and co-operation with other countries and Icelandic scientists are acutely aware of the importance of communication and networking for enhancing the value of their work.
This is one of the reasons why Iceland is concentrating on the creation of an Arctic Portal, providing a gateway to the Arctic on the Internet, which was officially opened at the Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council in Salekhard in Russia in the year 2006. At first, the Arctic Portal was mainly focused on the needs of the Arctic Council and its working groups. Now, it is being developed further in co-operation with stakeholders in the Arctic, including the IPY International Programme Office.
It is a great honour and pleasure to present the Arctic Portal as a venue for IPY activities and projects providing integrated calendar, web-casting, project websites and workspaces, data management and other functions. The results of IPY projects will be introduced on the Arctic Portal, keeping it open as an interactive instrument for follow-up IPY-activities, education and outreach. The aim is to create a venue in hyperspace at the disposal of the Arctic community, which will become a part of the IPY legacy.
I believe that the International Polar Year marks the beginning of a new epoch in the Arctic, with the people of the Arctic leading the way in the application of scientific knowledge and technology for sustainable development, where human society will prosper in harmony with nature.