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21. júní 2019

Gender Equality Plus Meeting chaired by Ambassador Stefansson

Today, Ambassador Kristján Andri Stefánsson chaired a meeting in the Group of Friends for Gender Equality Plus at the OECD.

Coinciding with Women's Rights Day in Iceland, in his opening remarks the ambassador highlighted that in addition to reporting on the Gender Recognition Act passed by Icelandic parliament yesterday, ensuring the right of each individual to determine the gender he/she identifies with and to have that identification recognized by the authorities.

On the occasion of the Pride parade taking place in Paris this month, this meeting focused on LGBTI+ Inclusion with Dr. Gabrielle Richard reporting on the global consultation on inclusive eduaction and access to health of LGBTI+ youth around the world published by MAG Jeunes LGBT in collaboration with UNESCO.

According to this report over 75% of LGBTI+ youth consider their needs are never, or almost never, taken into account in the policy making of their authorities.


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