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14. nóvember 2012

Minister signs cooperation agreement with UN Women National Committee

Inga Dóra og Össur undirrita samninginn.

Iceland's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson and Inga Dóra Pétursdóttir,  Executive Director of the National Committee of UN Women in Iceland, signed today an agreement on continued cooperation in 2013 - 2015. The Ministry and the National Committee have had a long and successful  cooperation, which has been formalised through specific cooperation agreements from 2007. According to the new agreement, the National Committee of UN Women in Iceland will receive in total, 26.5 million ISK from 2013 through 2015, subject to government funding.

The aim of the agreement is to enhance the publicity of the National Committee and strengthen its cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Under the agreement, the National Committee provides the Ministry with consultation and assistance on various subjects related to gender equality. Moreover, the National Committee is responsible for training of seconded staff with regards to gender equality and the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

The National Committee of UN Women in Iceland has carried out important work in raising awareness of gender equality and in particular the strive for equal rights for women in the developing countries. Fundraising is another, and equally important, role of the National Committee and every year they make generous contributions to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. 

Gender equality and the empowerment of women is a focus area of Icelandic Foreign Policy and special emphasis is placed on these issues in Iceland's development cooperation. Furthermore, UN Women is defined as one of four key multilateral institutions in the Strategy for Iceland's International Development Cooperation 2011-2014 where cooperation with the National Committee of UN Women in Iceland is emphasised.  


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