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19. desember 2012

Estonia's Foreign Minister visits Iceland

Össur heilsar Urmas Paet.

Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, welcomed today Urmas Paet, Estonia´s Minister for Foreign Affairs in Reykjavik. In their meeting the Ministers discussed bilateral cooperation and cooperation within international organizations, took status of Iceland‘s accession negotiations with the European Union, discussed economic development in the eurozone and issues related to NATO.

Minister Paet was also the main speaker at an open meeting hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland, discussing Estonia´s experience with EU membership and the adoptation of the Euro. The Minister  touched upon several issues in his speech; security and independence of small states in relation to EU membership, increased cooperation within EU‘s internal market, including a digital single market, EU‘s Banking union and relations with neighboring states, including Russia.

Urmas Paet has been Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2005. He is a political scientist and holds an MA degree in international relations from the University in Oslo.


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