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22. ágúst 2013

The Government of Iceland deplores the loss of life and condemns all acts of violence in Egypt

The Government of Iceland deplores the loss of life witnessed in recent weeks in Egypt and has urged the Egyptian Government to do everything possible to prevent further bloodshed. Iceland condems all acts of violence.

Foreign minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson has written to the Egyptian foreign minister, Mr. Nabil Fahmy, to express his concern over recent developments. Further deterioration of the situation can only serve to harm the interests of the people of Egypt and of the region as a whole. It is encumbent on the authorities to show restraint in dealing with civil disturbances.

„The democratic and socio-economic aspirations of the Egyptian people are of fundamental importance,“ says Mr. Sveinsson. „Regrettably, the democratic development of Egypt has not advanced as hoped, culminating in the abrupt actions of the Egyptian military in July. The interim Government has outlined a timetable that would rapidly bring about a legitimate government and democratic structures and we trust that they will honor this commitment.“

In his letter Minister Sveinsson urged authorities in Cairo to ensure that all those political forces committed to democratic principles are allowed to participate in the democratic process.


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