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Íslensk stjórnvöld leggja um 150 milljónir króna á þessu ári til starfsemi Barnahjálpar Sameiðnuðu þjóðanna (UNICEF). Börn eru á meðal berskjölduðustu íbúa heimsins og milljónir þeirra reiða sig á Barnahjálpina á hverjum degi.
Þetta tilkynnti Dr. Gunnar Pálsson, fastafulltúi Íslands hjá Sameinuðu þjóðunum, á fundi framkvæmdastjórnar Barnahjálparinnar þann 5. febrúar 2009.
Ávarpið má lesa hér fyrir neðan:
Meeting of the Executive Board of The United Nations Children´s Fund
The United Nations,
New York 5 February 2009
Statement by the Permanent Representative of Iceland
Dr. Gunnar Pálsson
Mr. President, Madam Executive Director, distinguished colleagues,
Allow me to congratulate H. E. Mr. Oumar Daou on his election as President of the Board. I also wish to thank the outgoing President, H. E. Mr. Anders Lidén, for the good job he has done over the past year.
My Government continues to value its partnership with UNICEF. The fund´s input to humanitarian action and development has been second to none. It plays a unique role in protecting the youngest and most vulnerable members of our world population. More broadly, the fund contributes substantially to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. We all know that the future of millions of children, especially in developing countries, now depends on whether those goals will be met.
Mr. President,
At a time when so many countries – and here my own country is no exception – are struggling with the consequences of the global financial crisis, it is extremely important to remember those who are most disadvantaged and may suffer the most. In particular, we must continue to address the acute problems that children are confronted with and build a better and a more just future for them.
I am pleased to inform you, Mr. President, that my Government has decided to contribute approximately 150 million Icelandic kronur to UNICEF in the year 2009.