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27. febrúar 2017

Future Outlook on Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region


To mark the 25th anniversary of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) the Icelandic Presidency of the CBSS welcomes you to the Symposium “A Future Outlook on Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region”. The symposium is held on 6 March 2017 (17:00-18.30) at Björtuloft, 5th floor of Harpa Conference Centre in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Opening remarks: Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Keynote speaker: Mr Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, former Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Speaker: Franz Thönnes, Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Panel discussion: A Future Outlook on Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Moderated by: Ms Mirjam Külm, Media & Communications Officer, CBSS Secretariat.

  • Ambassador Maira Mora, Director General of the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat.
  • Mr Jörgen Pettersson, Vice President of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference.
  • Ms Jóna Sólveig Elínardóttir, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Icelandic Parliament.
  • Mr Sergey Petrovich, Chair of the Russian Presidency of the Barents Euro Arctic Council.
  • Mr Andri Yrkill Valsson, Journalist & BA Political Science.

Moderated by: Ambassador Guðmundur Árni Stefánsson, Chair of the CBSS Committee of Senior Officials.

A performance by the Youth Choir of Vídalínskirkja wil follow.


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