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22. nóvember 2017

Strong agreement at bilateral dialogue between Iceland and the United Kingdom

Participants at the Foreign Office.

On 21 November, officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland met for an annual bilateral dialogue with their colleagues from UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for Exiting the European Union, Department for International Trade, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and several other departments.

The purpose of the bilateral dialogue, is to enhance the extensive cooperation between the two countries. The officials discussed trade and economic relations, fisheries, cooperation in the field of international affairs and security, resource management and the environment, and Arctic affairs. Icelandic officials welcomed the UK's intention to ensure continuity with its trading partners as it withdraws from the EU.

“This meeting of officials is taking place at a very important time and the tone set at the meeting illustrates the strong relations between Iceland and the United Kingdom”, said the Minister for Foreign Affairs Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson.

Both sides expressed willingness to enhance cooperation between the countries in several areas. Following the meeting officials from both sides will elaborate further proposals in this regard.

The Icelandic delegation was led by Unnur Orradóttir Ramette, Director-General for External Trade and Economic Affairs of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.


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