Ræða Íslands á 38. reglubundnum fundi mannréttindaráðs Sameinuðu þjóðanna
Edda Björk Ragnarsdóttir, sérfræðingur, flutti í dag ræðu á í tengslum við umræðu sérfræðings Sameinuðu þjóðanna um kynhneigð og kynvitund
38th session of the Human Rights Council
ID with IE on violence and discrimination based on SOGI
Item 2
19 June 2018
Delivered by Iceland
Thank you Mr. President
Iceland congratulates Mr. Victor Madrigal-Barloz for assuming his position and thanks him for his work on this very important portfolio.
We are very gratified to receive this initial report which underlines the importance of the mandate of the Indipendent Expert, which Iceland fully supports. The fact that more than 3 billion people, almost half of the world’s population, live in one of 72 countries in which law or other measures criminalizes on the basis of sexual orientation is indicative of the size of the task ahead of us.
Mr. President,
I am happy to announce that earlier this year, Iceland became a member of the Equal Rights Coalition, a partnership of close to 40 countries with a particular focus on ensuring the full and equal enjoyment of rights by LGBTI people worldwide
Iceland is committed to this goal. The current government aims to put Iceland in the front rank regarding LGBTI issues with ambitious legislation on self--determination based on gender awareness. Through legislation the government intends to lay down provisions under which individuals are able to determine their gender and gender identity; their gender awareness is to be respected, individuals are to enjoy the right to respect of their physical persons and equality before the law irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender awareness, gender characteristics and expression of their gender identity.
Question to the Independent Expert: In your report you highlight recent allegations of violence or violations against LGBT+ individuals in Chechnya, Republic of Korea, Azerbaijan, Egypt and Indonesia. Have you been able to communicate your concerns appropriately with the relevant national authorities and what has been their response?