Hoppa yfir valmynd
27. maí 2021

COVID-19: Amended rules on staying in quarantine facilities entering into force on the 31st of May

As from the 31st of May the provision stipulating a compulsory stay in quarantine facilities for people arriving from specific high-risk areas ceases to apply.  As from that time, only those who do not have access to adequate facilities to undergo home quarantine are required to stay in a quarantine facility.  Those arriving from specific high-risk areas on the 29th and 30th of May can apply for authorisation to dwell in home quarantine during the entire compulsory quarantine period. Those arriving before the 29th of May are required to go to a quarantine facility and finish the quarantine period there.  All those arriving to Iceland who are required to undergo quarantine still have to pre-register the intended dwelling place. The Minister of Health has issued a regulation thereon which enters into force on the 31st of May.

As was made known following the government meeting on the 21st of May, the Minister of Health has decided to extend the application of the regulation on quarantine and isolation and testing at the border of Iceland in connection with COVID-19 to the 15th of June. The decision of the Minister to repeal the provision of the regulation on compulsory stay in quarantine facilities, as noted above, was also announced. 

Amended requirements on quarantine as of 31 May:

  • As from the 31st of May the stipulation requiring people to stay in a quarantine facility depending on from where they are coming, i.e. from specific high-risk areas, is repealed. At the same time, notices regarding regions and countries considered special high-risk areas for COVID-19 will no longer be published.
  • As from the 31st of May only those who do not have access to adequate facilities to undergo home quarantine are required to stay in a quarantine facility.
  • Those arriving to Iceland from high-risk areas on the 29th and 30th of May can apply for authorisation to stay in home quarantine during the entire compulsory quarantine period. This applies to travellers from all countries listed in the applicable notice on regions and countries considered high-risk areas due to COVID-19, irrespective of whether they are listed under category I or II according to the notice.Among those countries are for example France, the Netherlands and Sweden.

  • The applicable provisions on compulsory stay in a quarantine facility apply to those arriving to Iceland on the 28th of May or earlier.Those required under those rules to stay in a quarantine facility shall finish the quarantine period there.

  • The requirement to pre-register the place of stay during quarantine is still applicable, whether it is in a quarantine facility or in a private facility.


FAQ regarding disease control measures at the border

COVID-19: Od 31 maja zaczynają obowiązywać nowe zasady dotyczące pobytu w ośrodkach epidemiologicznych.



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