Hoppa yfir valmynd
20. júlí 2006

Reform of the Security Council

Mr. President, I would like to thank you for convening this meeting on the very important issue of the reform of the Security Council. The high number of speakers proves that the issue of Security Council reform is still very much alive. Iceland has repeatedly stated that an effective reform of the United Nations entails a comprehensive reform of the Security Council both in expansion of the membership and on working methods of the Council. We have consistently supported calls for increased transparency of the work of the Security Council. Some substantive steps have been taken in this regard, such as more open briefings, meetings and debates, which we welcome. However, further measures are needed to improve the working methods of the Security Council. With this in mind, we welcome the draft resolution on Improving the Working Methods of the Security Council, tabled by Costa Rica, Jordan, Liechtenstein, Singapore and Switzerland, the so- called S-5. We do, however, remain convinced that for a meaningful reform of the Security Council, an increase in the numbers of both the permanent and non-permanent members of the Council is necessary. The Council needs to be more representative and thus more legitimate, better mirroring today’s geopolitical realities. We must remember that membership of the United Nations has increased nearly four-fold since 1945. However, the size and composition of the Security Council, particularly of its permanent membership, has remained more or less unchanged. We also have to ensure that smaller countries have a reasonable opportunity to take part. Mr. President, Iceland was one of the co-sponsors of the so-called G-4 resolution introduced during the 59th session of the General Assembly. Iceland also fully supports the same draft resolution re-tabled by Brazil, Germany and India in the beginning of this year. At the same time we think the S-5 proposal is not mutually exclusive to the working methods part of the G-4 proposal. Finally Mr. President, We must continue to be engaged in serious negotiations on this matter. We believe it is essential to use the current momentum and take action soon. I thank you Mr. President.


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