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25.09.2020 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp á fundi bandalags til stuðnings fjölþjóðakerfinu (Alliance for Multilateralism)

Dear friends,

The High Level week of the UN General Assembly takes place in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a profound effect on this year‘s gathering. It may also set us back several years in our collective quest for a more just, prosperous and peaceful world.
One lesson we can draw from the past few months, is that we must not take successful multilateral cooperation for granted. 

As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN, we must remind ourselves that while the multilateral system may not be perfect it has certainly been better than none at all. Let’s not lose sight of that important truth.

We should also acknowledge that international organizations must be able to adapt and reform according to the times. It is important that multilateralism address the problems of the moment, and of the future, not of the past. 

So let us approach the task at hand as an opportunity, and commit ourselves to build back better – in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation.

I want to address specifically one aspect of today‘s meeting agenda: that of gender equality.
Together we need to redouble our efforts to reach our goals and global commitments on gender equality. While doing so, it is vital that we consider the complex challenges and risk of setbacks due to the Covid19 pandemic.

Iceland is proud to have recently been chosen to co-lead the action coalition on gender-based violence for UN Women’s Generation Equality Forum. This initiative will launch a set of concrete and ambitious actions to achieve progress towards gender equality.

As we celebrate the 75th birthday of the United Nations we can also look back at progress made as a result of resolution 1325. 

One of the fundamental aspects of this resolution is women’s participation at all levels of decision making. We need to make sure that we are not only counting numbers. Women must have the opportunity to participate in an active and meaningful way. In all peace processes, peace-keeping and peace-building operations, we should consistently be asking “where are the women?”.

At the same time, and this is a broader reflection, we need to push for a change of social norms. But for us to be successful in this endeavor we must engage men in our efforts. Disproportionally, men occupy positions of power and it is therefore so important that they become agents of change.

Iceland has systematically encouraged the participation of men and boys in this debate, as underpinned by Iceland’s active role in the HeForShe campaign of UN Women, and the development of the Barbershop concept: a project that aims to engage men in this important conversation. 

In closing, I would like to call on all the members of the United Nations to work with us to participate in a meaningful way in ensuring that the multilateral system continues to be a platform for all nations to work together towards our common goals. 

And let us remember that gender equality and women’s full participation is a significant contributor in strengthening the multilateral system. 

Thank you.


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