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22.03.2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp í umræðum um mannréttindaástandið í Úkraínu

Thank you, Mr. President.

Iceland supports the High Commissioner and her office as well as special procedures mandate holders who report on the situation in Ukraine.

Despite the improved security situation during the reporting period, Iceland continues to have grave concerns about the human rights and the humanitarian situation in the conflict areas in Ukraine. The prolonged armed conflict continues to impact the civilian population hard economically and socially, only exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are also concerned about the continued denial of access to detention facilities in areas temporarily outside control of the government, despite repeated requests by international observers to monitor the treatment of detainees and detention conditions. This is particularly concerning given the widespread credible allegations of torture and ill-treatment of both conflict and non-conflict related detainees.

Madam President,

Finally, Iceland reiterates its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognized borders and call for the full respect of the rights of all residents of Crimea. We urge the Russian Federation, as the occupying Power of Crimea, to grant OHCHR full access to the peninsula.

I thank you.


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