Speeches and Articles
Nordic Statement at the UN SC Open Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Iceland
Speeches and Articles
Iceland concern over developments regarding the Open Skies Treaty.
Statement Ambassador Thórdur Aegir Óskarsson, 6 July 2020.
Iceland concern over developments regarding the Open Skies Treaty.
failure of the Russian Federation to fully implement the Open Skies Treaty (OST) is of major concern to Iceland
Speeches and Articles
Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on UNCITRAL
6C Nordic Statement - UNCITRAL.pdf
Speeches and Articles
Statement on behalf of Group of States on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Ræður og greinar
OECD Rountable on Better Governance for Gender Equality
Better Governance for Gender Equality OECD Rountable on Better Governance for Gender Equality Reykjavík
1307 PC, 25 March 2021 (reply HoM BiH, Freedom of Assembly in Russian Federation, Constitutional Reform in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey's withdrawal from Istanbul convention)
EU reply to HoM Bosnia and Herzegovina EU statement on Freedom of Assembly in Russian Federation EU
969 FSC, 24 February 2021 (Explosive Hazards in Central Asia, Ukraine)
EU statement on Explosive Hazards in Central Asia EU statement on Ukraine
Ræður og greinar
Ávarp á fundi bandalags til stuðnings fjölþjóðakerfinu (Alliance for Multilateralism)
Iceland is proud to have recently been chosen to co-lead the action coalition on gender-based violence
Ávarp á fundi bandalags til stuðnings fjölþjóðakerfinu (Alliance for Multilateralism)
Iceland is proud to have recently been chosen to co-lead the action coalition on gender-based violence
Iceland assumes the Chair of JCG.
Iceland assumed the Chair of the Joint Consultative Group (JCG) of the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Microsoft Word - pcdel0596r1 eu on Earth Day 1310pc.docx
osce.org eeas.europa.eu/delegations/vienna PAGE 1/2 The OSCE Secretariat bears no responsibility for
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1310 PC EU on Earth Day.pdf
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland at UNRWA Virtual Ministerial Pledging Conference
Let me start by thanking Sweden and Jordan for co-chairing this important event in support of UNRWA and
Speeches and Articles
ILO Governing Body, opening of the 344th session - Cross-Regional Statement on Russia's aggression against Ukraine
Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland
Microsoft Word - pcdel0541r1 eu on Int Roma Day.doc
We express our support for his call on governments to increase efforts to counter prejudice against
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1309 PC EU on International Roma Day.pdf
Speeches and Articles
Statement at the Global Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons General Assembly High Level Meeting
Most victims are women and girls trafficked for sexual exploitation, and in Europe one in four victims
Statement at OSCE Permanent Council on the Right to Freedom of Expression and Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
Árnadóttir, Permanent Representative of Iceland, at the 1372nd Permanent Council Meeting, Vienna, 5 May
1306 PC EU on Ukraine - Copy (1).pdf
Summit in Paris in December 2019 as well as the initial agreement in the TCG on two [email protected]
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1306 PC EU on Ukraine - Copy (1).pdf
1305 PC EU on Belarus - Copy (1).pdf
18 February to two years imprisonment for reporting on peaceful protests in Minsk.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1305 PC EU on Belarus - Copy (1).pdf
1304 PC EU on Ukraine - Copy (2).pdf
The mission also plays an invaluable role for the local population, in particular by its monitoring
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1304 PC EU on Ukraine - Copy (2).pdf
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