Speeches and Articles
Speech at the 75th United Nations General Assembly by H.E. Mr. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation
We must act now to ensure the full and equal participation of women in economic and political life, access
Speeches and Articles
Increased Use of Renewable Energy Encouraged at an OSCE meeting in Prague.
Statement by the Permanent Representative of Iceland on 11 September 2019.
Increased Use of Renewable Energy Encouraged at an OSCE meeting in Prague.
The Permanent Representative of Iceland to the OSCE, Guðni Bragason, welcomed the discussion on these
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on UN Programme of Assistance
6C Nordic Statement - Programme of Assistance.pdf
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council High-Level open debate on Terrorism and Organized Crime
tangible, gender-sensitive and sustainable outcomes on the ground in Member States has never been more
Speeches and Articles
Statement to the Second Committee on Sustainable Development
Iceland was honored to chair the 56th session of the Commission for Social Development.
Two Pillar System of the EEA Agreement discussed at a Seminar in Brussels
At the iniative of Iceland, the incumbent presidency of the EEA/EFTA cooperation, a seminar was held
SDGs important asset in the comprehensive security concept of the OSCE.
the future, were among the point in the address of the Permanent Representative of Iceland, Minister
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council Open Debate on "Protecting the Protectors: Technology and Peacekeeping"
behalf of the Nordic countries – Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland – I wish to thank India
Gender Pay Gap In Iceland
Gender Pay Gap In Iceland Report from the Action Group on Equal Pay Conference on Equal pay
81 Joint FSC PC, 14 July 2021 (OSCE's role and commitments to prevent and combat terrorism in all its forms: trends and challenges)
EU statement on OSCE's role and commitments to prevent and combat terrorism in all its forms: trends
Ræður og greinar
Opnunarávarp á málþingi Íslensk Ameríska viðskiptaráðsins Doing Business in the Arctic
Guard Forum, an extremely important actor when debating security and search and rescue in an increasingly
The OSCE 18th Parliamentary Assembly´s Winter Meeting in Vienna.
Icelandic Parliamentarians participated in the OSCE 18th Parliamentary Assembly´s Winter Meeting in Vienna
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland at informal consultations to launch review of the UN human rights treaty body system
Strengthening the human rights treaty bodies Statement by Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland
Speeches and Articles
Discussions of UNSC resolution 1325 Discussed at the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC).
Statement by the Permanent Representative of Iceland on 5 June 2019.
Discussions of UNSC resolution 1325 Discussed at the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC).
Guðni Bragason called for the mainstreaming of the provisions of the UNSC resolution no. 1325 in to the
1338 PC, 7 October 2021 (Update by SR CiO Ukraine and TCG and to report by CM SMM, execution of Ernest Johnson in the US)
EU reply to update by SR CiO Ukraine and TCG and to report by CM SMM EU statement on execution of Ernest
Speeches and Articles
Statement by H.E. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson at Global Champion of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy - Virtual Launch Programme
Iceland has joined the dialogue as a Global Champion for Theme three on enabling the Sustainable Development
/Íslandsstofa heldur uppi merki „Film in Iceland“ verkefnisins
framkvæmdastjóri Íslandsstofu samning um að Íslandsstofa myndi áfram annast umsjón verkefnisins Film in
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