/Information for foreign residents
Information about the Local Government Elections on 31 May for foreign nationals registered as legally
1st Preparatory Meeting of the 27th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum in Vienna, 28-29 January 2019.
On 28 – 29 January the first meeting was held in Vienna to prepare for the annual OSCE Economic and Environmental
Communities coping with crisis Nordic welfare watch workshop in Iceland 20-22 April 2016
Ræður og greinar
Ræða Þórdísar Kolbrúnar R. Gylfadóttur á ráðstefnunni „Empowered – Icelandic energy solutions for Europe“, Berlín 30. maí 2018
So, may the EU could benefit from our experience on how we used government incentives to promote the
Rit og skýrslur
National summary sheets on educatio systems in Europe and ongoing reforms : Iceland : novemer 2008
Titill ritsNational summary sheets on educatio systems in Europe and ongoing reforms : Iceland : novemer
1325 PC, 22 July 2021 (Rules of Procedure OSCE, Gender Action Plan, Review of Co-operation with Asian Partners. 7year Anniversary of Downing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-17, Ukraine, Women Ambassadors on Gender Action Plan)
EU statement on Rules of Procedure OSCE EU statement on OSCE Gender Action Plan EU statement on Review
Presentation of Letter of Credence to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna (IAEA)
Minister Plenipotentiary Guðni Bragason, Permanent Representative of Iceland in Vienna, presented his
Rit og skýrslur
Special education in Iceland
Titill ritsSpecial education in IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár1999Fjöldi bls.10RitröðRit tengd málefnum MRNEfnisorðFramhaldsskólar
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/rit-og-skyrslur/stakt-rit/1999/12/31/Special-education-in-Iceland/
Presentation of Letter of Credence to the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty Organization (CTBTO)
Permanent Representative of Iceland in Vienna, Mr. Guðni Bragason presented Dr.
/Forsætisráðherra verndari herferðar Women in Parliaments Global Forum
Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, forsætisráðherra, hefur fallist á að gerast verndari herferðar Women in Parliaments
Support to the National Adult Literacy Project, Monkey Bay 2001–2004
discussions, giving participants an opportunity to identify problems in their areas and act on them
Rit og skýrslur
Educational system in Iceland
Titill ritsEducational system in IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár1998Fjöldi bls.47RitröðSérritEfnisorðMenntakerfiISBN
Rit og skýrslur
Theatre in Iceland 2002-2004
Titill ritsTheatre in Iceland 2002-2004HöfundurÚtgáfuár2004Fjöldi bls.106RitröðRit tengd málefnum MRNEfnisorðLeiklist
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/rit-og-skyrslur/stakt-rit/2004/12/31/Theatre-in-Iceland-2002-2004/
Statement to the General Assembly on Oceans and the Law of the Sea by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir
in these resolutions touch upon central issues for Iceland´s foreign, economic and trade policies.
1274 PC, 9 July 2020 (reply to SR Ukraine/TCG Grau and CM SMMU Cevik, Anniversary of Srebenica Genocide, Sentencing of 4 human rights defenders in Büyükada case)
EU reply to SR Ukraine/TCG Grau and CM SMMU Cevik EU on Anniversary of Srebenica Genocide EU on Sentencing
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/efst-a-baugi/frettir/stok-frett/2020/07/09/1274-PC-9-July-2020-/
Ræður og greinar
Árleg umræða mannréttindaráðsins um jafnréttismál – Panel umræða um „Violence against women in the world of work“ - Ræða forsætisráðherra
In Iceland, more than 25 thousand women took the day off in October that same year to emphasize the importance
Annex 6: On-line Survey Analysis Report
ALL IN ICELAND External Audit of the Icelandic System for Inclusive Education Annex 6: On-line
Social capital in post-disaster recovery
Lis Klovning: Social capital in postdisaster recovery 25. febrúar kl. 12-13, Lögbergi
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN