Rit og skýrslur
Indicators for the Information Society in the Baltic Region 2005
Skýrslan er samvinnuverkefni Norræna ráðherraráðsins, Eystrasaltsráðsins og hagstofa aðildarlanda þess. Efninu var safnað vorið 2005 og tekur til fjölmargra þátta sem varða uppbyggingu tæknimála í lön...
1265 PC, 30 April 2020 (reply to PO Nur-Sultan, reply to HoM Moldova, Ukraine, Human Rights and Corona virus, Threaths against journalist Elena Milashina in Chechen Rep., Domestic and Sexual Violence Risks under Covid-19)
EU reply to PO Nur-Sultan EU reply to HoM Moldova EU statement on Ukraine EU statement on Human Rights
Digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution discussed at the 26th OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension meeting in Prague, 5-7 September 2018
The EED forum gathering on 4th September under the headline „Promoting economic progress and security
Ný bloggfærsla frá Pétri Waldorff, "Left Out to Dry? Gender and Fisheries on Lake Tanganyika"
Jafnréttisskólinn stendur að í samvinnu við UNU-MERIT (Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on
Rit og skýrslur
An evaluation of educational research and development in Iceland : summary : prepared by the working group for the evaluation of research and development in education 2003-2005
Titill ritsAn evaluation of educational research and development in Iceland : summary : prepared by the
Rit og skýrslur
Higher education external review : guidelines for self-evaluation : Cp. Rules on quality control in higher education no. 666/2003
Titill ritsHigher education external review : guidelines for self-evaluation : Cp.
Familiepolitikken i de nordiske land og velferd for barn
Familiepolitikken i de nordiske land og velferd for barn
Rit og skýrslur
Upper secondary education in Iceland [Nám að loknum grunnskóla, á ensku]
Titill ritsUpper secondary education in Iceland [Nám að loknum grunnskóla, á ensku]HöfundurÚtgáfuár2008Fjöldi
Rit og skýrslur
Gagnagrunnur um Ísland (á ensku) 2005 = Educational system in Iceland
Titill ritsGagnagrunnur um Ísland (á ensku) 2005 = Educational system in IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár2006Fjöldi
1260 PC, 27 February 2020 (Ukraine, Crimea and Sevastopol, Boris Nemtsov and Human Rights in Russia, re-arrest of Osman Kavala, cyber attacks against Georgia, presentation of Chairperson SC, report of HoM Bosnia, AOB Slovakia)
EU on Ukraine EU on Crimea and Sevastopol EU on cyber attacks against Georgia EU on 5th anniversary of
Málþing: Volunteer Organizations in Disaster í Norræna húsinu þann 25. apríl 2016
Nánari upplýsingar: Volunteer Organizations in Disaster
Rit og skýrslur
Education for all : declaration adopted by the World Education Forum in Dakar, 2000 : Iceland : committee report [Menntun fyrir alla]
Titill ritsEducation for all : declaration adopted by the World Education Forum in Dakar, 2000 : Iceland
Integrated services based on needs
In the municipality's vision for 2011-2015 the emphasis is placed on: •The coordination of
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/media/velferdarraduneyti-media/media/1---formennska-2014/Hera_Osk.pdf
Rit og skýrslur
National report on the implementation and impact of the Leonardo da Vinci programme in Iceland 1995-1999
Titill ritsNational report on the implementation and impact of the Leonardo da Vinci programme in Iceland
Rit og skýrslur
OECD thematic review of tertiary education : national background report for Iceland
Titill ritsOECD thematic review of tertiary education : national background report for IcelandHöfundurIngunn
Microsoft Word - Honohan Orphanides Iceland Monetary 03 Jun phao.docx
Exchange controls on capital movements, introduced soon after the initial collapse, insulated the economy
Ræður og greinar
Conference on Part Time Work, 12th November 2014
For the sixth year running, the World Economic Forum has ranked Iceland at the top on their list in the
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/raeda/2014/11/12/Conference-on-Part-Time-Work-12th-November-2014/
Rit og skýrslur
Gagnagrunnur um Ísland (á ensku) 2004 = Educational system in Iceland
Titill ritsGagnagrunnur um Ísland (á ensku) 2004 = Educational system in IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár2005Fjöldi
/Samstarf stjórnvalda og Iceland Geothermal klasasamstarfsins
Við upphaf ráðstefnunnar Iceland Geothermal 2013 í dag undirrituðu Steingrímur J.
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN