Rit og skýrslur
Report : Iceland : immigrant pupils with special educational needs : cultural diversity and special needs education
Titill ritsReport : Iceland : immigrant pupils with special educational needs : cultural diversity and
External-evaluation,-Development-of-a-short-Training-Course-on-Gender-and-Climate-Change-Uganda-2011-2013 (1).pdf
for the Environment and Natural Resources in Iceland.
Rit og skýrslur
External peer review group : final report : faculty of law University of Iceland
vísindamálISBN:TungumálEnskaExternal peer review group : final report : faculty of law University of Iceland
/Justitsminister Sólveig Pétursdóttirs tale ved en festmiddag for de nordiske højesteretspræsidenter
dóms- og kirkjumálaráðherra 2003-2009 Justitsminister Sólveig Pétursdóttirs tale ved en festmiddag for
Rit og skýrslur
Resolution of The Science and Technology Policy Council Iceland, June 8, 2004
Titill ritsResolution of The Science and Technology Policy Council Iceland, June 8, 2004HöfundurMalcolm
Rit og skýrslur
Accreditation report : doctoral studies in the field of science and engineering : Reykjavík University : expert committee report
Titill ritsAccreditation report : doctoral studies in the field of science and engineering : Reykjavík
Rit og skýrslur
Forspring til fremtiden: handlingsplan for de elektroniske uddannelser 2001-2003. [Forskot til framtíðar]
Titill ritsForspring til fremtiden: handlingsplan for de elektroniske uddannelser 2001-2003.
/Project Plan for the Development of e-commerce and e-government 2000-2002
possible regulation based on Art. 31 of the Competition Act).
Continental Shelf Submission of Iceland
The research vessel Árni Friðriksson RE 200 of the Marine Research Institute of Iceland, used for acquiring
/,,Iceland Inspires” tónlistarveislan verður í Hljómskálagarðinum í kvöld, fimmtudaginn 1. júlí, en ekki að Hamragörðum undir Eyjafjöllum.
Tónleikarnir ,,Iceland inspires”, sem halda átti í dag, fimmtudaginn 1.
Microsoft PowerPoint - Iceland HCS-Final report- Long version.pptx
Primary care has similar incentives challenges with fee-for service for private after hours GPs while
Microsoft PowerPoint - Iceland HCS-Final report-short version.pptx
As the Ministry of Welfare was in urgent need of external input as part of deciding on priorities for
Iceland´s Nineteenth and Twentieth Periodic Report
Iceland, comparable to Icelandic nationals, as is provided for in the Health Services Act, No. 40/2007
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/media/innanrikisraduneyti-media/media/Skyrslur/CERD-LOKAEINTAK.pdf
Rit og skýrslur
Evaluation of Tourism Studies University of Iceland : a report commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture : December 2010
Titill ritsEvaluation of Tourism Studies University of Iceland : a report commissioned by the Ministry
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a school in a costal village [hluti af lokaskýrslu Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a school in a costal village
Rit og skýrslur
National curriculum guide for compulsory school : life skills 2004 [Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla : lífsleikni 2004 á ensku]
Titill ritsNational curriculum guide for compulsory school : life skills 2004 [Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla
/Ráðstefna um gæðamál á háskólastigi - Quality and Development in Nordic Higher Education haldin 16. 17. apríl
Á ráðstefnunni verða fimm málstofur um mál sem eru í deiglunni varðandi gæði skólastarfs á háskólastigi á norðurlöndunum.Ráðstefna um gæðamál á háskólastigi verður haldin í hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands,...
Rit og skýrslur
Evrópsk tungumálamappa : fyrir framhaldsskóla : European language portfolio : for upper secondary level [Káputitill: Evrópsk tungumálamappa : European language portfolio : Europæisk sprogfolio : Portfolio des langues européennes : Portfolio europeo de idiomas : Europäisches sprachenportfolio : fyrir framhaldsskólastig : for upper secondary level]
Titill ritsEvrópsk tungumálamappa : fyrir framhaldsskóla : European language portfolio : for upper secondary
Rit og skýrslur
Lifelong learning : force for a new century [Símenntun : afl á nýrri öld á ensku]
Titill ritsLifelong learning : force for a new century [Símenntun : afl á nýrri öld á ensku]HöfundurÚtgáfuár1998Fjöldi
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