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Ávarp ráðherra á ráðstefnunni Quality and development in Nordic Higher Education í Háskóla Íslands, 16. apríl 2009
In short one could say, that the crisis has told us one thing in particular - when it comes to investments
Rit og skýrslur
Nordic declaration on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education : report to the Nordic Council of Ministers - 2007
Titill ritsNordic declaration on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education : report
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Iceland and the European integration.
For a long time, participation in European integration has been high on the political agenda in Iceland
Rit og skýrslur
Findings of evaluation of self-evaluation procedures in primary/lower secondary schools 2001-2003 : overall findings
Titill ritsFindings of evaluation of self-evaluation procedures in primary/lower secondary schools 2001
/Minister's address on the occasion of a visit by a Japanese Women's Group to Iceland (Ávarp dómsmálaráðherra í tilefni af heimsókn japanskra kvenna til Íslands
ágúst 2000 Dómsmálaráðuneytið Björn Bjarnason, dóms- og kirkjumálaráðherra 2003-2009 Minister's address on
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Ræða flutt á Ráðstefnunni Quality and development in Nordic Higher Education í hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands 16. apríl 2009
In short one could say, that the crisis has told us one thing in particular - when it comes to investments
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : three case studies [Lokaskýrsla Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : three case studies [Lokaskýrsla Íslands
Greco RC-III _2010_ 2E FINAL Interim Rep ICELAND PUBLIC _2_
Act (No 86/2010) which amended the Act on the Government Offices of Iceland, the Act on the Althing
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/media/innanrikisraduneyti-media/media/Skyrslur/GrecoRC3_des2010.pdf
Accreditation report : social science : Iceland University of Education
The Iceland University of Education Act states in its first article that IUE shall be a centre for
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Nordic roads to multilingualism : how to help minority children to become multilingual : Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
roads to multilingualism : how to help minority children to become multilingual : Denmark, Finland, Iceland
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Presentation at the Conference: "Information Technology in Fisheries and Aquaculture", Apríl 4, 1997.
It is with great pleasure that I accept the opportunity to adress this Conference on Information Technology
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Ræða fjármálaráðherra á ensku á fundi Bresk-íslenska verslunarráðsins í London. Recent developments and future prospects for the Icelandic economy.
The dividends from these investments are to an increasing extent being reflected on the revenue side
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Statement at the Meeting of the Ministers in The Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Murmansk, May 31. 1996.
and general conditions for investments and trade.
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Health Care System reform and short termsavings opportunities. Iceland Health Care System project
Iceland Health Care System project Skýrsla ráðgjafafyrirtækisins Boston Consulting Group um íslenska
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Iceland between Europe and the United States
He was also the first Viking to settle in Iceland, but only managed to stay for one winter.
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Ræða fjármálaráðherra á ensku á fundi Bresk-íslenska verslunarráðsins í London. Recent developments and future prospects for the Icelandic economy.
The dividends from these investments are to an increasing extent being reflected on the revenue side
/Reglur um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in Natural Resources Law and International Environmental Law) við lagadeild Háskóla Íslands
Stjórnartíðindum reglur um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in
Rit og skýrslur
Sektorplan : uddannelse, kreativitet og entreprenørskab i globaliseringens tid : Islands formandskabsprogram for Nordisk Ministerråds samarbejde om forskning, kultur og uddannelse [Menntun, sköpunarkraftur og frumkvæði á tímum hnattrænna breytinga : formennskuáætlun Íslendinga]
: uddannelse, kreativitet og entreprenørskab i globaliseringens tid : Islands formandskabsprogram for
Accreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of science, University of Iceland
(63/2006) and further developed in the University of Iceland Act (41/1999).
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