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17. júlí 2000 DómsmálaráðuneytiðBjörn Bjarnason, dóms- og kirkjumálaráðherra 2003-2009

Ræða dómsmálaráðherra á stofnfundi European youth without drugs 14. júlí 2000 (á ensku).

European Youth without Drugs, Minister's Address at Foundation Meeting July 14th 2000

Ræða á stofnfundi Vímulausrar æsku í Evrópu, 14. júlí 2000.

Mr President,
Members of PATH,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I should like to start by thanking you for the opportunity to be with you here today and to make my contribution towards this foundation meeting of a new association: European Youth Without Drugs.

From the outset, the Government of Iceland has supported the young people who launched the PATH project. The results of that initiative, which can be seen in this foundation meeting, show that our support was not only justified, but also highly necessary.

This project shows what young people themselves are able to do in the fight against drugs. It bears witness to their vision and determination. In this new movement, young people can work on their own terms for a healthier life and a better society. Our generation of adults can warn the young about the hazards of drug abuse, but there can be no question that it is easier for young people themselves to get the message across to people of their own age.

To my mind, the fact that this project has been launched by young people is extremely important, and makes it more likely to succeed than would otherwise be the case.

The heart of the matter is stated in the positive ideology on which European Youth Without Drugs is based. There are countless ways of enjoying life – why on earth destroy them by taking drugs?

We have with us today young people from many of the countries of Europe. This highlights the fact that the drug problem respects no boundaries. Drug abuse is an international problem and it has to be tackled through international co-operation. The government has expanded and increased its collaboration with other states in this field, and it is gratifying to know that young people are doing the same.

Finally, I should like to thank the organisers of this meeting for their good work, and I hope the meeting will prove fruitful. It is a pleasure to see how many of you here have taken the trouble to come all the way to Iceland for this meeting, and I hope you are enjoying your stay in our country.

I am convinced that the work you are doing is a valuable contribution towards the fight against drug abuse, and that it will take us further along the road towards a more healthy society for young and old alike.

Thank you all!
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