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29. mars 2023 ForsætisráðuneytiðKatrín Jakobsdóttir

Ávarp Katrínar Jakobsdóttur forsætisráðherra á leiðtogafundi Bandaríkjaforseta um lýðræði - 29. mars 2023

Dear Colleagues,

There is no shortage of urgent challenges facing us. The deepening climate crisis requires immediate action from all countries as the new IPCC report demonstrates; growing inequalities within and between societies continue to be a grave challenge.

Democracy is not a given and depends on those claiming it. It evolves and needs to be actively strengthened and protected against authoritarian tendencies. We need to take control when it comes to new technologies and AI ensuring that they strengthen democratic processes and human rights, instead of undermining basic principles and values. 

Political leaders need to combine efforts to combat social exclusion and disinformation and they need to be combined with new visions of the collective good, which can appeal to the public and strengthen their sense of social belonging. But we also need to have strong democratic institutions, including democratic political parties and strong and independent media.

Dear collegues.

War has returned to Europe with Russia´s senseless, illegal war against Ukraine.

Iceland, is currently chairing the Council of Europe, one of Europe´s oldest and largest organizations with 46 Member States.

Our chairmanship will conclude with a Summit in May, where European Leaders will come together in Reykjavik to re-commit to the fundamental values underpinning the organization; democracy, human rights and the rule of  law.

We will discuss the organization’s role regarding urgent challenges, such as ensuring the right to a healthy environment and addressing human rights in relation to AI and the digital space.

We will also convene in Iceland to support Ukraine.

I am hopeful that the Council of Europe will take practical decisions in Reykjavik to ensure accountability for crimes committed.

One such step is the setting up of a register to record and document evidence and claims for damage, loss, or injury resulting from the Russian aggression.

Dear colleagues.

Even at times of war, gender equality needs to be on our agenda. Sustainable development goal number 5 on Gender Equality is one of the 17 goals that we are furthest away from achieving. It has been stated that it will take 300 more years to achieve full gender equality. We are witnessing a serious push-back when it comes to gender equality and the rights of LGBTI persons.

Ensuring gender equality and human rights is fundamental to any democracy – and this is something we need to be working on right now. To strengthen our democracy is to think of that important inter-linkage between democracy, human rights and gender equality.


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