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22. maí 2018 Félags- og húsnæðismálaráðuneytið, HeilbrigðisráðuneytiðSvandís Svavarsdóttir

Ávarp heilbrigðisráðherra á 71. þingi Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar

Statement by

H.E. Mrs. Svandís Svavarsdóttir, Minister of Health

71st World Health Assembly

May 2018

Theme of discussion: "Health for all: commit to universal health coverage”

Mrs./Mr. President, Director-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I want to begin by congratulating Dr. Tedros on his election as Director General at the last World Health Assembly.

This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the World Health Organization and our conviction that health is a fundamental human right, not a privilege.

We will also be celebrating, later this year, the 40th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration that recognizes that “Health for all” can benefit all populations and that promoting and protecting health is essential to human welfare.

Mrs/Mr. President.

Earlier this year, the Director General, called upon Member States to take concrete steps towards Universal Health Coverage and to make commitments in increasing the access to services and reduce out-of-pocket spending.

I would therefore like to tell you about the commitments of the new Government of Iceland that took office in the end of last year.

The Government is committed to further strengthen the Health System of Iceland and has significantly increased financial contributions to this sector with the aim of strengthening the Public Health System. Our main goal is that all citizens of Iceland will have equal access to the very best Health care and to reduce out-of-pocket spending.

A strong Public Health System is one of the main pillars of a Welfare State.

Efforts will be made to further promote the Primary Health Care, as the first point of entry into our Health Care System, and in increasing the number of professions in the Primary Health Care. Our hospital services will also be strengthened.

We have started the work on our new National Health Policy. The policy will take into account the health needs and the well-being of the people in Iceland. It will also better define the role of individual aspects of the health services and how they are interrelated.

There is an urgent need to promote mental health services throughout the country. The Government of Iceland is making special attention to mental health services both in Hospitals and in the Primary Health Care. Funding to Mental Health Care will be increased and mental health teams are being established across the country.

Nursing care and rehabilitation services will also get increased funding. The shortage of places in nursing homes has placed increased strain on hospitals in Iceland and reduced the quality of life for some of our elderly. A major campaign of development in this area has already been launched.

Mrs./Mr. President,

A strong society is based on good health and well-being of its citizens. People should be able to enjoy life in good health and for that to realize we all need to commit to Universal Health Coverage and consider Public Health in all policies and actions of our governments. The importance of leaving no one behind is crucial.

We see the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as supportive of the “Whole-of-Government” and the “Whole-of-Society” approach in promoting and protecting health, - because the agenda emphasizes engagement and cooperation of governance in all policy arenas and all sectors.

Finally, Mrs/Mr. President.

Iceland remains committed in contributing to the constructive efforts of W.H.O. in improving Global Health and promoting Universal Health Coverage.

Thank you for your attention!


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