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28. júní 1996 MatvælaráðuneytiðFinnur Ingólfsson, iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðherra 1996-1999

Statement at the Eureka Ministerial Conference in Brussels, June 28, 1996. 

Strengthening competiveness and stimulating economic growth is a common nominator for most governments. In this process innovation plays an important role as every new enterprice and every new job is created through a sequence of events which to some extent is innovative in nature.

It is well established that the level of education, as well as the quality of scientific research and development work in Europe is second to none in the world. In spite of this the European countries have been less successful than our main competitors in both the United States and Japan in converting their competence into new products and gaining greater shares on the global market. The most distingt example of this is the high technology industry.

This paradox must be a matter of great concern for all of us. The comparatively limited capacity to convert scientific breakthrougts and technogical achiefments into industrial success is indeed the greatest weekness we are faced with today. Rectifying this is a constant challange where EUREKA plays an important role in building bridges between research and development and the creation of products for the markets.

Small and medium size enterprices (SMEs) are key players in the economic growth af Europe and subsequently EUREKA}s largest client. Generally we are seeing job losses in the larger companies but job creation in SMEs. In fact enterprices with fewer than 100 employees presently account for virtually all new jobs and are the major source of diversity in the industrial fabric. They innovate and export but they have specific problems to owercome. Their weekness is primarily in terms of financing, human resources and structural weekness in their management.

EUREKA has during the last ten years been an important contributor towards improving the competitiveness of European industry. In this respect it plays a major role jointly with the Framework Program in carrying us forwards towards less unemployment, future prosperity of our economy and overall increased quality of life for our citizens.

Our joint goals have been to stimulate transnational cooperation between enterprices and research institutes in advanced technologies that correspond to market demands. EUREKA has indeed been successful in promoting SME participation which is of particular satisfaction for me.

It is my belief that the relationship between EUREKA and other R & D programs should be strengthened further, both at Community and national levels. In this respect more weight could be given to advice and assistance to companies on issues like patenting, legal matters and searching for partners.

Mr. Chairman, let me finish by thanking the Belgian chairmanship for its excellent leadership during the last year. In particular let me thank you personally for the outstanding reception that we enjoyed yesterday at the tenth anneverary celebrations of EUREKA and for your hospitality throughout the meeting.

My congratulations and best wishes to the upcomming United Kingdom chair. Thank you


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