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Ræða eða grein fyrrum ráðherra

22. janúar 2005 InnviðaráðuneytiðSturla Böðvarsson, samgönguráðherra 1999-2007

Samskip’s vessel named in Hamburg, 22nd January 2005.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I should like to begin by offering my thanks for the honour shown to my wife and me to be here today when Samskip’s vessel is given the name Arnarfell.

I should also like to congratulate Mrs Ingibjörg Kristjánsdóttir on her naming of the ship on this impressive and memorable occasion.

It is not often that an Icelandic Minister of Transport is given the opportunity to be present when an Icelandic shipping company receives a new cargo vessel. I should therefore like to offer the congratulations of the Ministry of Transport in Iceland to the Samskip shipping company. It is my hope that the new vessel will have smooth sailing over the oceans of the world, and prove to be a successful vehicle to the crew that will be steering it between the various ports.

This vessel is a fine example of the designing and craftsmanship of German shipbuilders, giving me ample reason to congratulate this shipyard for the manufacture of this magnificent ship.

It is imperative for Iceland to ensure continuous and viable navigation to and from the country. Our independence has not least been secured by free trade and unhindered marine traffic. Iceland welcomes the initiative of vigorous shipping companies that connect Iceland to the world’s principal markets, and bring us the necessary provisions from abroad.

It is my hope that the co-operation of Icelandic shipping companies and German shipyards will always ensure the utmost safety in marine traffic to and from Iceland, and that the crews of the ships serving Iceland will continue to enjoy the best facilities, as this splendid vessel certainly will.

May providence be the permanent companion of this ship.


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